Being Human
Being Human: Reclaiming our True Power and Potential is a book for anyone interested in what life is all about, and what it really means to be human.
We have become hypnotized by the outer material world, believing it to be more real, important and valuable than our inner world.
It is time to remember who we are and what we are capable of manifesting. My hope is that we start paying closer attention to the innate knowing inside of us, cultivating it more fully in our own lives and allowing it to regulate our behaviors. Learn to quiet the outside world and its distractions, tuning into the universal intelligence that lies in our hearts.
Part guidebook on how to live life to the fullest,
and part exploration of the perils of modern technological societies and the cultural values which drive them, this book attempts to encapsulate life and all its influencing factors from both a macro-cultural perspective, as well as micro-quantum level understanding. Nothing is off limits and all possibilities are considered in this undertaking to understand existence in its full form.
Prepare to have your perspective on reality completely transformed
as we explore mind-blowing scientific studies in an easy-to-understand way, touching on areas as diverse as psychoneuroimmunology, interpersonal neurobiology, quantum physics, and more. We will examine the dangerous paradigms and limiting narratives we have been conditioned to believe in, and how they have stripped us of our infinite power and potential. It is time to remember who we really are and what we are truly capable of becoming. It is time we step into our absolute ability to change the world in which we live.